HBTracker has reached 3,000 auctions in its database

HBTracker has reached 3,000 auctions in its database

This week, HBTracker reached an important milestone: the database now contains information about more than 3,000 auctions conducted using Yandex Header Bidding. To achieve this result, some modules were improved, allowing for the processing of previously unavailable auctions.

HBTracker is a tool for automatically collecting and analyzing data from auctions using Yandex Header Bidding technology. It tracks the adapters used on various sites during auctions and stores this information in a database. This allows for the easy identification of which monetizers are present or absent on certain sites, helping to assess the adoption of advertising solutions among publishers and to establish an effective strategy for interacting with them.

As the data volume grows, there was a need to optimize the tracker dashboard. Due to the large number of requests and the constant flow of information, I decided to limit the amount of data displayed. Now, the tracker dashboard only shows information about the last 100 auctions found, covering the top 10 most common Yandex Header-Bidding adapters.

This change will reduce the load on the database. However, for those interested in obtaining a full export of all auctions, I am always available to provide this data (tg: @ikorneev).

What's next?

The collected data on more than 3,000 auctions provides an even clearer picture of the situation in the Russian programmatic advertising market. HBTracker will continue its development and collection of auction information, with the database already containing more than 200,000 publishers.


At the same time, I am working on a new product that will track advertising, marketing, and analytics tools used on websites. The product is still in development, with many bugs and much to improve, but I plan to release it publicly as an MVP by the end of the year.

LibTracker is a tool for automatically analyzing and monitoring advertising and marketing libraries as well as counters installed on websites. LibTracker scans web pages and detects third-party scripts loaded on them, identifying the libraries used for analytics, ad targeting, and other functions. This product is useful, for example, for tracking marketing technologies on landing pages of advertising platforms or monitoring the spread of advertising solutions.

Example of the application in action

View example report

At the beginning of next year, I plan to combine the two databases, collecting all available information about the site, including its monetizers and libraries, in one place.

Both products are aimed at solving real problems for publishers and SSPs, providing opportunities for "marketing intelligence." They allow you to discover which monetizers are active on certain sites and evaluate with which competitors they are working. This gives a better understanding of the market situation and helps identify the most effective advertising solutions for different market segments. The collected data can serve as a basis for improving monetization strategies, helping publishers choose optimal partners, while SSPs can develop attractive commercial offers.

For SSPs, this tool can also serve as a source of information about sites that are not yet connected to their platform. This opens up opportunities for targeted outreach to new partners, understanding their potential needs in advance. For example, if a site has not yet used your SSP, this may signal a need to contact its owners, especially if you can offer them improved terms or unique solutions.