Alternatives to Cookies: New Approaches to Advertising Targeting

With respect for user privacy and a shift away from third-party cookies, publishers are seeking new methods of audience segmentation to preserve advertising targeting capabilities.

First-Party Data and Its Role

First-party data plays a key role in the new advertising environment, allowing advertisers to show personalized ads through segmentation provided by publishers. The use of such data ensures privacy and accuracy in delivering advertising messages, which is critically important in the changing market conditions.

Technologies for Data Sharing

Among the technologies that allow for safe data sharing between publishers and advertisers, notable are Publisher-Provided Signals and Secured Signals from Google Ad Manager, as well as innovative Universal IDs. These tools not only protect user privacy but also provide advertisers with the necessary information for effective targeting.

Google's Approaches to Privacy and Targeting

The Google Privacy Sandbox initiative and other proposed solutions aim to create a balance between advertising personalization and user data protection, satisfying the interests of all market parties. Through these technologies, Google strives to ensure transparency and control over data usage, which should help the entire industry adapt to new realities.