A study on the distribution of Yandex Header Bidding adapters in Runet

A study on the distribution of Yandex Header Bidding adapters in Runet

The study analyzes the use of various adapters for Yandex Header Bidding auctions on Runet sites. The service continues to collect data on the participation of adapters in auctions.

Yandex Header Bidding — is a technology that allows site owners to sell advertising space more effectively. In the traditional model, the auction runs sequentially, which limits the number of participants and can reduce revenue. In Header Bidding, ad requests are sent simultaneously to multiple ad exchanges and networks before the page loads for the user. This increases competition among advertisers and helps the site get the best price for the ad space.

Currently, the research database has registered 17,649 publishers, but not all of them earn from advertising or have restrictions that hide auction data, such as geo-targeting. Therefore, auction data was collected from only 1,194 publishers. However, even with this volume of data, certain conclusions can be drawn about the prevalence of certain adapters. Among them, the leading positions are held by: Yandex (100%), Between Digital and MyTarget (about 88%).

Note that the study is ongoing, so the data may change. The research is not commissioned and does not reflect anyone's opinion. These are just numbers. You can review them, as well as more detailed information including limitations and the list of surveyed sites, at the link: https://pubmag.ru/en/hb-tracker/